
Monday, June 12, 2023

Commentary: Globalists Refuse to Acknowledge Their Grasp on Young People Is Weakening

The self-congratulating globalists controlling the Democratic Party persist in perpetuating the outdated notion that “young people” are predominantly aligned with leftist ideologies, even when all data points to the contrary. 

Not only are Millennials growing more conservative as they age – the oldest Millennials are in their early forties and many of them are now parents with mortgages, crime concerns, and increasing tax burdens – but certain members of Gen Z are becoming conservative in a reaction to cultural Marxism.


  1. God knows I hope and pray this is true....

  2. If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain

    Steve L.

  3. That's so cute that people still think voting matters.


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