
Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Commentary: The Real Cost of the Debt-Ceiling Deal

President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy spent weeks of negotiating to authorize $4 trillion in new deficit spending over the next two years. This means that our national debt will be $35 trillion in 2025. The interest cost will be up to $1.4 trillion annually, only a small amount less than the current cost of national defense and Social Security combined. This staggering debt undermines the future prosperity of every American.


  1. It ain't cheap to buy millions of votes.

  2. All part of their plan

  3. Part of the plan to overthrow a capitalist, democratic republic and turn it into a communist totalitarian dictatorship is to increase the debt to unsustainable levels until the society collapses in on itself, and is ripe for takeover....we are there.....biden is just the puppet who happens to be sitting in the chair at the ice cream eating fool with harris a critical fall away from taking a seat herself....the globalists hated Trump because he wasn't going along with their plan, as much as he could resist with the communists in charge of the house....I think they did enough damage to his brand that it might suffice to say we are done as a nation....if this country re-elects biden then we get what we deserve.....God help my children and grand children....

    1. @nonncom June 7, 2023 at 9:41 AM

      "if this country re-elects biden then we get what we deserve"

      That was the Obama Truthyness. Yet. Here we all are. Still.

  4. Re-elect? That mother fucker wasn’t elected the first go around.

  5. Soon we will be printing hundred trillion dollar bills like Zimbabwe

  6. 31,000,000,000,000 seconds ago, was 983,003 calendar years ago. The default has already happened. We're just waiting to auger into the dirt. There's no voting your way out of this.

  7. Waiting to see what happens when more people realize the US is a corporation and it's citizens can quit at anytime. No joke.

    1. @Anonymous June 7, 2023 at 2:45 PM

      "Waiting to see what happens when more people realize the US is a corporation and it's citizens can quit at anytime."

      You weren't around for school "integration", were you?


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