
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

First our multipurpose rifles, now our lions and tigers

The deadline for owners of tigers, lions and other big cats to register their animals as exotic pets is quickly approaching.

The registration deadline was enacted in the wake of last year’s massive win by animal activists across the country that effectively ended the big cat trade among unlicensed animal hobbyists.


  1. BCM.....Big Cats Matter!

  2. Sure, it ended "legal" trading of big cats, but everyone I ever encountered who fooled with exotic animals (including big cats) often dealt strictly in cash. Libtards never learn. Remember, some gay men have been killed by man-eating pussies.

    1. LOL I was in Utah heading to Vegas from Idaho for a buddy's wedding in my '86 Blazer when that news report came on.

      Figured the cat got sick of their bullshit and ended the one.

  3. Hundreds of large carnivores lost in boating accidents.


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