
Monday, June 12, 2023

GOP set to push early voting, mail ballots after years of opposite messaging to its voters

ATLANTA - After years of criticizing mail voting and so-called ballot harvesting as ripe for fraud, Republicans at the top of the party want to change course.

They are poised to launch aggressive get-out-the-vote campaigns for 2024 that employ just those strategies, attempting to match the emphasis on early voting Democrats have used for years to lock in many of their supporters well ahead of Election Day. The goal is to persuade voters who support GOP candidates that early voting techniques are secure and to make sure they are able to return their ballots in time to be counted, thus putting less pressure on Election Day turnout efforts.


  1. Won't do any good.
    Unless Republicans can openly cheat the way the Democrats do, they will still win.

  2. Gee maybe the Rinos finally realized that "Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome" is not only a sign of insanity, it's fucking stupid!

    1. Rather, a convenient way to defeat those pesky primary challenges.
      And to throw the race if one still manages to succeed.

  3. The stupid party being stupid. The stupids have doing this on other key issues too. Like illegal immigration.

    They're playing the game of the socialists.
    Its now who can get to the bottom first.

  4. Unless real reform happens now, before 24, its all a scam. Get rid of the computers, in person. Worked for decades... now with progress we have issues.
    The INSTANT states started getting back more ballots than they mailed out, you knew you were being had. That hasn't been fixed.

  5. That is stupid. Do away with early voting and mail in voting. Have one day to vote in person where your id is uploaded to a statewide database. If the ID is already there they get arrested and charged with the capital crime of voter fraud.

  6. The gop acts as if there is no other way to fight voting irregularities. They are going to "fight" the dems by using their own tactics. Yeah, like that is going to help.
    I agree with same day voting, paper ballots and even dipping your finger in purple dye. Now let's get the gop to listen to common sense solutions.

  7. No vote totals for any state should be announced….
    until voting day is over and polls closed….
    and vote acceptance is closed.
    Don’t give anyone a number to cheat and beat.


  8. Of late, they as fucked up as the leftists.....

  9. atlanta... the govenernor and secretary of state are democrats who run as republicans. People have figured out how they cheat and may or may not stop them next time Probably not. But they need the standard democrat crutch for cheating now. Mail-in voting. Otherwise known as the 3am ballot drop.

    1. The Gov whos campaign ad had him holding a shotgun? Who has been running a state surplus (just got my rebate)? Signing anti-abortion laws? Stop parroting Trump and investigate it for yourself.

  10. I can't wait for the demoRATS to label this as voter fraud.

  11. There are only five, maybe six states that control the outcome of the electoral college, and only a few districts within those states are the locus of the "cheating". Zuckerbucks contributes to GOtV orgs that run up the numbers using ballot harvestors and live-time access to ballot returns. Maybe there's some on/off switching of active/inactive voter ballot issuance, but the focus of all the commie efforts is only a few states, and only a few counties. It used to be the margin of fraud was maybe 3%, but sadly now the cheating isn't busloads of people shipped in on election day it's months and months of mail in voting.


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