
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

LaVergne PD - first the slutty coal burner, now Quickdraw McGraw

RUTHERFORD COUNTY, Tenn.--The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) reports a former midstate officer has been jailed after shooting his neighbor. 

Former LaVergne Police Officer (LPD) Gavin Schoeberl is accused of firing his weapon while inside his apartment earlier this year while still employed by LPD.


  1. Man... I know we all like to drag on cops these days, I'm the biggest offender (all orcs must die!)
    But man, how low have their standards have to get, to let this POS in?

    1. You're not going to get your "best & brightest" to sign up to be a cop, especially in the current public arena of cops vs citizens.
      Ditto Feds.


  2. What a hot mess this department is. It seems to me there was a third major screw-up that happened in between the butt-ugly broad banging her brothers and this latest instance of this clown getting some 'indoor range time'. What a joke.

  3. Just before the incident Gavin, who's alter ego isTravis Bickle was heard saying:

    You talkin' to me?
    Suck on this
    Bang bang, I shot you down
    Bang bang, you hit the ground


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