
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Los Angeles City Council Arrests Point to ‘Criminals for Gun Control’ Mentality

U.S.A. — “Democratic LA city councilman charged with embezzlement, conflict of interest in latest political scandal,” Fox News reported Thursday. “Curren Price is the latest member of the Los Angeles City Council to be arrested in recent years.”


  1. Well, the name checks out. In fact, it fits him to a t. See what I just did there? Now just what is the curren price for a L.A. city councilwhore?

    1. Do you mean on top of his $217,158.06 annual salary, plus benefits?

      BTW, the two corruptocrats to the left in the article's picture are the two asshats that arranged the sweet $1.27 million Deferred Retirement Option Plan payment that was made to the new L.A. police chief before he started his new $379,000 a year gig.

      Public service in L.A. doesn't come cheap.

  2. "Curren Price"???? Are you kidding me?


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