
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Man, talk about hard luck

DETROIT (FOX 2) - A quadriplegic Detroit man is without his way of getting around and his service dog after separate hit-and-run drivers destroyed his van and wheelchair and killed his dog.


  1. A quadriplegic driver? I think the "journalists" who wrote this don't understand the difference between paraplegic and quadriplegic. A $45,000 wheelchair? Obviously they confused the cost of the van with the wheelchair.

  2. It seems the Black Widows from the Philo Bedoe chronicles put a hit on thes man.

  3. My late brother's best friend's dad was a paraplegic. He had a Caprice fixed up for him to drive with the accelerator and brake on the steering wheel. That guy drove like a bat out of hell. He was one crazy son of a gun.


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