
Friday, June 02, 2023

Meanwhile, in Chicago.....

CHICAGO - A 14-year-old boy was killed and four others were wounded in a mass shooting that also sent three police officers to the hospital Thursday night in the Fuller Park neighborhood. 

Around 8:21 p.m., a group of people started shooting at another group in the 4200 block of South Wells Street, police said.


  1. Go Chicago, celebrate your elections while I celebrate your death toll.

  2. There you go, a mass shooting that gets included in the stats for rhetorical purposes but won't get an individual feature on the evening news because it doesn't fit the narrative. That, my friends, is Journalism 101.

    1. White supremacists don cha know

      Search for the 2022 meme that pictures the 200 or so mass shooters - very colorful group, no pointy white hats in any pic

      Here it is
      Same for every year, lots of color


  3. All this made-up fake news again: Chicago has the country's best gun laws and things like this absolutely don't happen there.

    1. Its the Amish kids from the country coming into the big city for Rumspringa.

    2. nah, it's all us hillbillies from "southern" illinois causing all this carnage. chitcago is the best.

  4. Always amazes me, the lack of outrage from "the community" when it's B on B crime.

  5. That wasn't a mass shooting, it was a gunfight. "Figures lie and liars figure".

    1. I'm with you on this one, I read that and thought, "that's not a mass shooting, that's just common everyday street war in Chicago."

  6. A great example of about is the reality of 85% of the "gun killings" in America. Blacks shooting other blacks with illegally obtained hand guns in Democrat controlled cities. Not the minuscule number of white supremist mass shootings with the AR-15 weapons of war.

    1. "White Supremacists" like the tranny in Nashville, the hispanic in Uvalde, or the Mexican "Nazi"?
      John in Indy

  7. I heard the mafia in chicago shuttered its downtown building due to crime.

  8. You get what you tolerate. If the people in the hood acted like adults things would get better. When I was a kid in a small community if I fucked up , my folks would usually hear about it before I got home , and I would catch hell for being stupid. Pretty soon I learned its best not to be stupid , and life got easier. Lots of these people have never gotten past about an eleven year old mentality . And when you have a bunch of 16 to 34 year old young adults acting like middle school children bad things are bound to happen . I suppose that is a lot to hope for when the average I.Q. is 70


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