
Monday, June 12, 2023

Oklahoma State Superintendent defends ‘parental rights’ group named extremist by civil rights watchdog

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – State Superintendent Ryan Walters is speaking out after the Moms for Liberty was designated an extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). 

Moms for Liberty, founded by three conservative Florida women in 2021, has chapters across the nation – including chapters in Canadian, Garfield and Tulsa counties.


  1. but Southern Poverty Law Center is a terrorist group. How do they get to call others extremists.

  2. Any thing or any body that goes against the left is considered a terrorist or hate group.

  3. @ Anonymous: They look in the mirror

  4. Hey SPLC! So, takes one to know one, is that what you're saying? Once this shit goes hot, you fuckers know your heads get turned into canoes, right?

  5. The Southern Preposterous Lying Center is a feral intel front for propaganda.

  6. Just like all the “Think tanks”. They think whatever they’re paid to think

  7. These ladies, or a coalition of similar groups, need to sue the SPLC and take them out the way the NAACP took out the Klan.

  8. Oh, fuck the Southern Poverty Lying Center.

  9. By living my life in according to my rules, I save a lot of time and mental effort.

    Flush, wash your hands, take turns, open the door, these are all good rules.

    If the splc is for it I'm against it and vice versa.

    Easy way to always be right.

  10. The press-release says 'civil rights watchdog'.
    I call splc a bunch of shady grifters.


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