
Monday, June 12, 2023

Poll: Tennesseans Want Dangerous People Removed from Community Instead of More Gun Laws

According to a poll published by co/efficient, most Tennesseans would prefer that dangerous people are removed from society rather than removing guns from the hands of potentially dangerous people.

“In the poll, Tennessee voters dramatically retreat from their soft support of proposed Red Flag Laws and do not see this as the solution to their safety concerns when informed that Red Flag Laws merely take guns away from dangerous individuals but do nothing to prevent them from causing harm by some other means. Red Flag Law support erodes even further when informed that there are existing laws to take threatening individuals out of the community right now,” the poll said. “Tennesseans largely support recently passed legislation that puts police officers in schools and believe enforcing the current laws on the books is an effective solution to keeping their families, communities, and state safe.”


  1. Polls; schmolls. The "people" don't want these laws; but the elites do. So the elites win.

  2. Used as intended, Red Flag laws simply force those affected to buy another gun off the street. It won't stop violence. It merely pushes it underground.

  3. How do you stop drunk drivers killing sober drivers?
    You take away the sober drivers cars.
    That's how gun control works.

  4. To the criminals in power the only dangerous people are the gun owners who never commit crimes. They don't want to lock up the dangerous's called "professional courtesy".


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