
Monday, June 12, 2023

Several Target stores evacuated after bomb threats

Several Target stores throughout Oklahoma City along with other areas in Central Oklahoma were evacuated late Saturday according to Oklahoma City Police.

Moments before the evacuations an email was sent out to several newsrooms including KFOR’s and state lawmakers threatening a detonation of a bomb.


  1. So who here thinks the threats were made by the wokesters and not us White Supremacists?

    1. It's surely a fag jobs, but with the M.S.M. on the case They'll be white conservative supremist MAGA. Domestic Terrorist capers

  2. Ain't it sad I immediately thought " False Flag"?

    I have no memory of it happening in a corporate scenario before, but leftists gonna behave like leftists in all situations.

  3. I’ll take “Things that are total bullshit, Alex”

  4. Other reporting has more clearly stated that it's the alphabet people striking back at the removal of rainbow inventory from the shelves.

    It's an almost perfect pincer movement: Effective boycott from 98% of your customer base, or store evacuations by the 2% lunatic fringe. What just desserts for a bunch of virtue-signalling asshole executives. Their annual meeting is going to be lit, listening to their stammering explanations to their investors, of how smart they are.

  5. The FBI stooges are gettin' busy!

  6. All good points. Recall, however, OKC has a little experience with bombs….


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