
Thursday, June 29, 2023

Sex competitors pissed because they got 'stiffed' (see what I did there?)

Great idea! Starting a sex league, getting people from all over the world to compete and declare winners. Proof you can make anything a competition, which is something I appreciate. Every single thing should have a winner and loser, no middle ground. Well, we got the European Sex Championships and shockingly it's a disaster:


  1. Not my cup of tea at all but I wonder what wifey will say if I suggest, just for fun, watching a bit of sport this evening. If you're not living on the edge you're taking up too much space comes to mind.

  2. And they came from all around the world, too!

  3. Didja hear about the guy who entered the masturbation contest? He won 1st, 3rd, and 7th place.

  4. The couple from Sweden was leading until the female blew it. She had smears of defeat running down her face. He suffered from the agony of da' meat.

  5. Yes, Kenny, I do see what you did there.


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