
Friday, June 09, 2023

Something tells me Blaze was trying to send a message

After his Minnesota home was burglarized last month, Blaze Smith anticipated that the intruder would return, so he left a window open and sat in wait, armed with a baseball bat that was wrapped in barbed wire and studded with screws and nails.


  1. He obviously watched 'Walking Dead' and fashioned his own Lucille. /and then a real life zombie attacked.

    /walking dead was delightful for 3 seasons. then it went south

  2. I wonder if they'll get a cell together. Actually the homeowner is more likely to go to jail.
    Must have forgot he's not in Texas.

  3. Hitting him after he ran off was a big mistake...why didn't he put him down inside? I would love to see the video.

  4. Reminds me, I need to run by a sporting goods store and then the farm supply.

  5. If anyone breaks into my home, all human laws become null and void.

    1. If they break into my home, I will tie them up and force them to endlessly watch Costner's Waterworld, until they beg to kill themselves.

    2. Greta thinks Waterworld is a documentary

  6. Instead of calling the police...See how they use words? The cops would have done NOTHING

  7. It's Minnesota. Homeowner is going to do a lot of time, cops will say "you should have called us, this is a duty-to-retreat state" and the DA will fry him.

    Must be a lot of abandoned wells around a trailer park in Mankato, and cameras should always be taken into consideration.

  8. I get sick of the way that:
    1 the government has stopped enforcing laws against stealing
    2 but is still enforcing laws against you protecting your own property

    1. Univ of Saigon 68June 9, 2023 at 9:01 AM

      I've posted this here before, but it still applies -

      Anarcho-tyranny - we refuse to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that’s the tyranny). Samuel Francis

      The term “anarcho-tyranny” was coined by the late great Sam Francis to mean a condition in which the state tyrannically regulates the lives of the citizens but refuses to enforce fundamental protective law. When Francis was alive, gun control was often used as an example. The state harassed citizens over their ownership of firearms but did nothing to protect them from violent criminals.

  9. Gomez could of wound up chained to the wall of the basement and been a chew toy until he died. I'd say he got off pretty easy
    Backwoods Okie

  10. Shut the window behind him and lock it.
    "You wanted in, now you can't leave."
    Take said bat and let hilarity ensue.
    People that break into homes don't file a "flight plan", so he would just go missing.

  11. Maybe he should talk to some professional pit masters from Mississippi.

  12. Saw a Tiktok video that spoke to this. The money quote is "There's no crying in burglary."
    Stay safe

  13. Very similar situation a couple years ago. If the dog weren't then recently gone, it wouldn't have happened. It did. Cleared.


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