
Thursday, June 08, 2023

Spirits of the Frontier: Rum, Whiskey, and Brandy

 Alcohol on the American frontier was a part of daily life for everyone, regardless of age. Three types of alcohol were the predominate distilled spirits on the edges of civilization. 

VIDEO HERE  (9:57 minutes)


  1. Kenny, this is O.T. but-for days now (5?), BC's post has updated in your sidebar but when I teleport, I'm back at his 6/1/23 post. I try to refresh-NADA. Sometimes I get to reada new post of his if it's directly linked (Like through WRSA), but otherwise, nothing. I know he's going through Hell right now and i'm not tech proficient as all; just wondering if he might be going through a weirdly targeted shut-down/denial of services or if it's just my end for rrunningan old system/other. Don't even know if y'all can help but thought i'd put this out there. Thanks, scarecrow

    1. I just now clicked on his link in the sidebar and it took me straight to his June 8th post, so it must be on your end.

  2. I wouldn't presume to call myself a connoisseur of rum but perhaps something of an aficionado. It's what I prefer over other spirits, at any rate, and I know a bit about it. Total Wine in Daytona stocks the rum. I'll get a bottle this weekend and let you know what I think of it.

  3. That's Whiksky......

  4. That was pretty cool. What was especially interesting was how fookin' much alcohol they consumed compared to today. Good Lord, they must have been lit most of every day.

    Late afternoon, early evening I jokingly say I'm about to start the alcohol portion of my day(with my couple glasses of vino) but these guys were having cocktails with their Cheerios!

    1. Makes me wonder what the proof point is on those bottles. I'm gonna guess (notice I said guess) is that it was watered down some, but then again.....

    2. Kenny: The guy said the rum is over 100 proof (114, I bought a bottle) and so qualifies as a candidate for grog, i.e. watered-down rum. It's a good bet that the other two were wettened a bit as well.

    3. Right on, thanks for the feedback and the email.


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