
Thursday, June 29, 2023

The more I learn about people, the less I like them

COLESVILLE, NY - A New York man shot his companion with a crossbow while she was holding the couple's 3-week-old daughter, killing the child and injuring the woman, authorities said.


  1. Jesus, this is beyond stupid. Just can't find the right word for it..

  2. Sweet pea should make lots of slamming friends in the slammer

  3. General population and let nature run it's course.

  4. They should pull a William Tell on him, y'know, put an apple on his head and give someone a crossbow to shoot the apple off...or not

  5. Seems like more great journalism, seems he shot the baby and injured his "companion".

  6. He violated a restraining order. Those are obviously useful.

    If he was in Virginia or Maine, he could claim he was practicing medicine without a license and just performed a 4th trimester abortion.

    As is, general population will sort it out.


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