
Monday, June 12, 2023

The new face of extremism unmasked: 'Trantifa'

Pull away the black mask, and political extremism has a new face: 'TRANTIFA'. 

The portmanteau of 'trans' and 'ANTIFA' is exactly what you'd expect — far-left transgender activists willing to intimidate, harass and even use violence to advance their radical new ideas about gender. 

Much like ANTIFA, they're not a formal group of card-carrying members, with the term 'Trantifa' coined on social media to highlight the strong transgender presence within the anarchist outfit.


  1. Two, two shots in one. Saves on ammo.

  2. I thought virtually all of the antifa males were gay or tranny's anyhow.

  3. Just a different name for mentally ill.

  4. Me: "What the fuck is anarcho communism?"

    Looks it up

    Me: "What the fuck? That makes no sense and was a waste of 30 seconds I will never get back."

    These people are insane.

    Jeremy P.

  5. antifa or phaggot antifa couldn't exist without support of an alphabet agency.

  6. Trantifa, aka. the Dildo Brigade.

  7. I've been trying to find a way to use portmantaeu in a sentence all week. I like to use words like that to cauterize photosynthesis in my dismissives.

  8. "their radical new ideas about gender"
    I'd like to assert we stop giving the deranged *any* credit for creativity or novel thinking. The whole spectrum of aberrant sexual behavior is _nothing_ new. There is indeed "nothing new under the sun" as Solomon said nearly 3000 years ago. People have inserted body parts into every opening, dressed as the alternate gender, dressed as animals, raped children and every other evil, despicable thing (and many that I will not mention) for longer than human history. There is a reason why such things were legally prohibited in the book of Deuteronomy for instance -- this behavior existed 4000+ years ago among the ancient Hebrews.
    Our modern mentally ill are not creating new sin, they only recycle and re-name very old, worn-out sin. They re-title it in order to stroke their own egos and believe themselves to be creating new evil. Then can't even commit evil well.
    -Just a Chemist

  9. So instead of black masks, we now have to suffer faces (?) smeared with gaudy paint.


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