
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

They didn't check before they towed it?

MILWAUKEE (AP) — The body of a 17-year-old Milwaukee boy was found inside an SUV, four days after the vehicle was towed to a city-owned lot following a crash, authorities said. 

Milwaukee police officers who were called Monday morning to the lot saw the teen’s body on the floor of the SUV’s rear portion, police said in a statement.


  1. cops needed to get to the doughnut shop ?

    No one reported a missing kid?

  2. Around here the tow truck operator will steal anything in the towed vehicle as soon as possible.

  3. "The incident marks the third time since 2018 that city personnel left someone in a car that was eventually towed away..."
    "In January 2018, an 8-year-old girl spent a freezing night alone inside a van that was towed away after her mother was arrested during a traffic stop. A tow lot attendant found the girl the next morning after hearing her crying."
    "In January 2022, Milwaukee’s fire chief apologized for his department’s failure to find the body of a 21-year-old woman in a vehicle that was towed away after being involved in a fiery crash."
    Just. Fucking. Awesome.

  4. 17 year old "boy?"

    Stolen vehicle?

    Do we need to play "guess the race?"

  5. Sadly, Wisconsin in general and Milwaukee in particular is headed for the toilet, and it seems intentional.

    1. Agree on Milwaukee, although some parts are still fine. Can't totally disagree on WI as a whole. Once again, location plays a role.
      Like almost anywhere else, it's all fine until it isn't...

  6. I wonder how those cops would feel if one of their family members experienced this.

  7. Starker here,
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember that there are very large Moe Howard fan clubs in WI & Milwaukee.

  8. Are you really a "boy" at 17 these days?

  9. I think it was Boston where they ticketed a car that had a dead guy slumped over the wheel.

  10. Stolen vehicle and they didn't search it before it was towed away? And this is the third time in 5 years that they missed a live or dead human in a towed car. Fire the police chief first, then work your way down the ranks.


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