
Thursday, June 29, 2023

Trantifa strikes again?

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A Target store in midtown Sacramento caught fire Friday afternoon. Investigators believe the fire was suspicious.


  1. Worse than meth-head tweekers. The absolute center of gravity of societal rot.

  2. Fire started in the makeup area. Probably caused by rubbing 2 trannies together.

  3. That's funny, the abortion clinic in knoxvegas suffered a catastrophic fire while undergoing renovations. Said it was suspicious, but they never caught anybody. Schucks.

  4. You get your brake fluid in the auto dept., and your chlorine tablet from the pool supplies, and you combine them in the clothing dept. I learned this from OregonLive no less, an Advance Media (former Newhouse) propaganda outlet reporting on a WalMart fire from many years back. It's an antifa tactic.

  5. My God. A fire that can do detective work.


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