
Friday, July 28, 2023

ATF Has Zero Tolerance for Everything But Its Own Abusive Criminality

“The ATF has Weaponized Its Zero Tolerance Policy for FFLs,” Gun Owners of America reports. “These power-hungry bureaucrats wielded the Biden Administration’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy for Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) as a weapon to retaliate against a gun store that joined us in previous litigation against the ATF.


  1. The atf is an unconstitutional bunch of federal fuck-ups with huge egos and tiny little brains..

  2. The ATF, DOJ, FBI are federal orginazitions composed of thousands of middle class Americans just like your neighbors and all their business cards say: I'm just following orders". Ya get the drift?

  3. The whole FFL thing needs to go away. Gov loves licensing generally because of this power. They will claim it’s reasonable to protect the public. Here we see how it can be abused.

  4. Yep Bogssidebunny is correct, yep 100%

    That implies that these thousands of .gov simpletons have NAMES and ADDRESSES.

    Keeping your local lists up-to-date is a constant task.

    They chose to work there, then follow orders? Once the simpletons go against the constitution, they are marked for life. They never get off the LIST, NEVER. It only takes ONCE. After that, on the LIST for you and all that live in their nest.


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