
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Commentary: 10 Reasons Why Affirmative Action Died

The end of affirmative action was inevitable. The only surprise was that such intentions gone terribly wrong lasted so long.

First, supporters of racial preferences always pushed back the goal posts for the program’s success. Was institutionalized reverse bias to last 20 years, 60 years, or ad infinitum? Parity became defined as an absolute equality of result. If “equity” was not obtained, then only institutionalized “racism” explained disparities. And only reverse racism was deemed the cure.


  1. It “died” because Whites will very soon be a minority in the America they built.

  2. As with any .gov program, it failed.... horribly.

  3. Died? That seems premature and overly optimistic. Democrats will find workarounds so they might continue their racist, anti-white policies.

  4. It's not dead yet. I expect the left will find a way to keep it alive and working.

  5. I get email headlines from a local radio station in Athens, Ga. home of UGA. One this morning is that UGA has just appointed the first "Vice President for Enrollment". A guy from UIUC who is "recognized as a national expert on enrollment and is often cited on topics related to college admissions and ethical considerations". What do we think that means? I guess that now Affirmative Action in Admissions has become too complicated for the staff which has been doing it for decades.

  6. It died because it was racist, unconstitutional and was put into effect by a far left legislature that was trying to make amends for past educational and employment slights to minorities(read that as black people) and to garner minority votes for Demonrats.

    Remember Johnson's exclamation after it was passed: "The n-words will be voting for us for the next hundred years". As racist a statement as has ever come out of a President's mouth.

    The biggest problem with it is; that when implemented by the liberal establishment, as is usual with this kind of thing, the pendulum swung to far the other way and whites became the target of systemic racism, in favor of ALL minorities, but especially black people because slavery and Jim Crow.

    It also birthed the race baiter/race hustler industries and the current equity and inclusion, ESG and climate change agenda's that are being foisted on us and citizens world wide, with the exception of China and to a lesser extent India, of course because they're just special.

    China and India told the rest of the world's politicians to eff off with the climate change hoax. Just look at Kerry's recent trip to Beijing for a better climate change deal. He was told in no uncertain terms that China was not going to change their policy. In other words, eff off, AGAIN.

    I wouldn't mind so much, however the people that are promoting all these concurrent "agenda's" are, for the most part, white.

    What do they think is going to happen if their agenda dreams are realized? Do these white people think that they're going to be allowed to continue to rule over an ascendant population of what was minorities here and in EU, when or if they reach equilibrium or better with the white population?

    Fat effing chance.


  7. It failed because it was a racist unfair plan to begin with

  8. Australia has just upped it. Aborigines get a guaranteed, funded uni place now. Same for other "disadvantaged". Won't be in STEM of course.

    1. Abo's in STEM. What a notion. I envision three chimps beating on a hollow log with a stick, expecting it to become a 'computer' somehow.

  9. Anyone using the phrase "reverse racism" deserves to be slapped, at a minimum.


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