
Friday, July 14, 2023

Good Morning



  1. I have two kids. They, this kid, and every other I've seen over the last 25 years were all wrapped in THAT blanket.

    I wish I had designed and copyrighted that; I'd be a billionaire.

  2. Jeez, the beautiful blonde hair on that little child holding the infant. Are we really going to stand by and let all the nappy-headed mud race types cancel such perfection for the sake of 'diversity'? If so, let me off the ride. I can't stand the idea of seeing beautiful White children perish from the earth.

  3. A great picture. I'll wager it is hanging on a wall somewhere in their home and will be for a long, long time.

  4. Look at the hand on the left. I'd say grandma is just out of the picture. At least I hope it's grandma.

  5. "Now look here kid, were going to start you off early learning to breast feed so pay attention."

    Evil Franklin

  6. Beautiful picture. Truly beautiful. Thank you


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