
Thursday, July 20, 2023

I'm sorry, attacked by a giant what?

GAINESVILLE, Ga. — A rabid beaver bit a young girl while she was swimming in a northeast Georgia lake, local news outlets reported.


  1. The girl's father beat the beaver to death.

    Damn, Ward, don't you think you were a little hard on the Beaver last night?

  2. All types of beavers can get real aggressive and territorial. They actually had a fatality from the rodent type up in Canada a few years ago.

  3. Good on her dad. Probably not the first beaver he's beaten. Experience is key. AND IT WAS A GIANT ONE !! I've seen some big beavers in my day, but DAYUM.

  4. Was the girl's last name Carter? And are they sure it wasn't a giant rabbit?

  5. The treachery of beavers can only bring woe

  6. Starker here,
    YouTuber AquaChigger was attacked and bit by a rabid beaver last year while detecting in a river, in Virginia, if memory serves.

  7. My question is, did they have the beaver stuffed?


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