
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Life in the Big City

CHICAGO — For the past few weeks, we have reported almost daily about yet another robbery spree on the North or Near West sides of Chicago in which four, six, or eight victims were robbed in a short time.

We have more to tell you about today. Candidly, there were so many armed robberies in our primary coverage area overnight, we simply cannot reliably tell you how many occurred. Conservatively, we can say 20 armed robberies occurred. We believe the number may ultimately be more than 25.


  1. And the dipshit mayor wants to reimagine the police. Imagine this Mayor. All the competent police resign.

  2. I’m just curious, and I hope that you are as well. Lets ask this hypothetical question….
    What’s going to happen when millions more of Biden’s “ILLEGAL’S” flood the Cities and wnen they no longer have a place to stay, or food to eat, or money to use to buy these things, and on top of it all they will not have any healthcare. And their children need schooling!
    Let’s say that this young man that comes form Mexico, or any other one of those countries that these “ILLEGAL “ Migrant “young Men” comes from, and he is all alone, with NO money in his pocket, and as most cases he can’t can’t speak English, and doesn’t know anyone here in America to live with, or th help him, but he gets on one of Biden’s Buses, and gets dropped off in some big city like New York, or Atlanta, etc. And like I said, he doesn’t have and friends, or family here… But like a good guy, he starts looking for a job. But like we know, it’s going to be very heard to get a Job, not speaking English, So he gets absorbed into America as Biden allowed that to happen.
    MY QUESTION IS, where the heck does he go, and how the heck does he get along, with out a place to live, or money to feed himself,?
    What does he DO? Where does he go? Are we importing more Homeless people to live on our Streets? To add more Filth to our Cities?
    Are we importing the Prisoners that these other countries want to get Rid Of? Are these “Migrants” Shop Lifters, Burglars, or worse? Maybe even Rapists, or Murderers? Are they Stable? Are they Sick, are they Disease Carriers? We already know them many of them are Covid Positive, and sick, and possibly, or PROBABLY Super Spreaders… So what’s to become of them will they work so cheaply that they will take the Jobs away from Americans? And put an American OUT of work? So that OUR Veterans who are coming home from Afghanistan won’t be able to get a Job? Those are the people that we should be looking out for!
    And how did these people pay for the transportation from their country to our Boarder? They certainly don’t walk? How do these little children manage to walk all those thousands of miles. And why do their Clothing, as especially their Sneakers look as if they were bought in some expensive store.
    And another thought… Why are we turning these Cubans away when these are the people who really need a place to flee to, and allowing these ILLEGAL INVADERS come in?
    Just Asking for a Friend.

  3. Statically some of those robbed must be robbers robbed by robbers. Report back when the percentage of robbed robbers equals the fraction of FBI agents at a PTA meeting.

  4. The other day, my wife and I were out and stopped by the drug store to see if they could fill a prescription while we waited. It was 90 and she was just out of the hospital from some minor surgery and would need the pain medication right away. They said it would be about twenty minutes and she decided to wait in my classic, '02 Durango. I said she could keep it running with the A/C, but she said she guessed it would be alright to leave the windows down. That really struck me when I thought about it. We live in a small Georgia county adjacent to Athens/Clarke county, home of UGA. Our county is 92% White, for the time being. Athens is 28% Black and 100% Democrat. It's safe to leave the windows down for the time being.

  5. When (not if) the cork pops off, it is going to be epic.

  6. This has to be one of those fake news stories that go around. The good people of Chicago have some very rigid gun control laws to keep themselves safe. They are enjoying their single-party socially-just utopia.

  7. These people need to learn to open fire on these thugs as soon as they roll up.


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