
Monday, July 10, 2023

Not all heroes wear capes



  1. Wong place, wrong time again. I keep missing this sort of money saving opportunity.

  2. Sounds like a plan...I'm gonna check YouTube. There's gotta be a "how to do it" video about this.

  3. The pump manufacturers should be hiring these guys to look for security holes.

  4. At least BLM and Antifa have the stones to rob and loot small businesses in person, not this behind the scenes pussy shit.

    1. Whole gangs of them running into a store and looting it or burning shit down does not constitute having stones. Far from it. It makes them fucking cowards.

    2. I was talking to the owner of a gas station in my little town. The convenience store was the only thing keeping him afloat. The major grocery store in town was charging 2 cents a gallon less than what his distributor was charging him.

    3. There was a chain of convenience stores in the southwest called Alsup's that always set the price of gasoline 1 cent less than the lowest gas station within a few miles as a loss leader. Each store had two gas pumps, and cars lined up for them most of the day. Those without the time to wait in line kept the gas stations barely in business, and wives that shopped inside while their husbands waited for gas made Lonnie Alsup rich.

      But maybe it only worked because Alsup knew how to keep a small neighborhood grocery store worth shopping in. People living nearby would walk to Alsup's to shop.

  5. First blush, this sounds great. On second thought, it merely screws the owner of the station that has to pay for the gasoline. Not a great solution. FJB.


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