
Monday, July 10, 2023


Here are some questions I have that when I ask them of my representative or senator, I get BS answers, but this is only because not enough people are asking these questions.

Part of resistance to treason is recognizing what resistance is. I think of it like a simple electronic circuit, current flows from point A to point B in a direct route and it’s considered “open.” If you add a resistor into the circuit, it slows the current down, add enough and the flow of the current stops all together. That’s the point of resistance, but it has to have enough resistors for it to work. Right now, there’s too few and the circuit, while hampered, continues to flow with objectives that are not beneficial to the people.


  1. If we should have a prodigious writer, why can it not be a Thom. Jefferson or even an Abigail Adams. Instead, we get this turd.

    His metaphor entirely misses the plot. I don't want them to slow down, I want them to change course, to beach themselves, to surrender to The People.

    Resistence in a circuit. Hrrmmph. Balderdash. Be ware of they who get paid by the column inch.

  2. Agreed that technically, the metaphor is fucked. A direct line from 'Point A to Point B' is not 'open', it is actually a short-circuit. "Open" actually means not connected and one cannot get from point to point.

    To repeat 'Anonymous' above, a course change is needed, not simply a slowdown, although, in the absence of real solutions, even a slowdown would help.

    Perhaps a better metaphor might be that it is relatively easy to dodge one hornet, but when there are a gazillion of those rascals pouring down on you, no way to dodge your way out of it.

    Which is what we really need is a sustained lightning bolt to "fix" that existing circuit.


  3. T.L. Davis a writer as you describe. Read some more of his stuff before you make a decision. By the way, you spelled resistance wrong and Be ware is one word.

    1. So I misspelled one word. I used ware; to be wary, as intended.
      This is not the first I've read of Davis. Indeed, his very writings have formed the basis of my opinion of him. You, sir, are a buffoon.

    2. My first comment of the day: Lighten the fuck up.

    3. Bravo, WC. All that lacked was the Sgt. Hulka GIF from Stripes. I laughed. Oh, and a "Francis" at the end ;)

  4. I don’t want to slow down, The actual answer is to do the EXACT OPPOSITE of gun control. Let me explain..


    (For every single legal American citizen above the age of majority.) The firearm may be of any size and any caliber but it must be loaded and capable of functioning.
    There will be a 2000$ usd fine for NOT having a firearm on you when asked to produce it ,for proof ,by an officer of the law.
    No exclusions for age, infirmities, mental state, or poverty.
    From the moment the law takes effect, and you turn 18 the US Government will issue you a 45 cal 1911*with ammunition,and a notice to report for training to a local authorized gun safety expert.

    You may, of course, purchase any weapon you choose, and still keep the 1911.

    The ONLY exceptions for not having a weapon on you in public are eg. Swimming, where the function of the gun would be impeded, Incarceration, or when working with explosive gasses or materials.
    In each of these examples an ARMED escort MUST be present to assure the others safety.

    I know what you are thinking,.. but Scott, won’t there be MORE a violence if you give everyone a gun?
    The answer is both yes and no.
    No because an armed society is a polite society. Most right minded folks won’t start shit if they know it could get them dead.***

    And yes,..BUT only for a short period of time, a settling in period where the evil, the stupid and the untrainable, Darwin themselves from the gene pool either voluntary, or are helped along by a fellow citizen .***
    Then it’s all smooth sailing.

    Your pal

    *ironically this birthday gift will be the only thing the government has ever given a citizen.

    ** at NO point is anyone EVER MANDATED to USE their firearm, for any reason whatsoever. No law shall ever be passed. This is still America, you may be as cowardly as you deem fit.

    *** this is also known as voluntary eugenics. It will make for a better world

  5. Noncompliance, being incorrigible, and generally just saying NO messes with the rainbow cult lizard people.
    THAT makes me happy, Herr Klaus.

  6. This guy gets bullshit answers from his "representatives" because they don't give a shit about his questions. Apparently congress gets a 15% approval rating, but still has like a 90% reelection rate. If you had a 90% chance of keeping your sweet ass gig while raking in millions in "donations" from your real employers, would you give a shit what some piss ant with a webpage that thinks?

    It ain't rocket surgery kids, they hate you and want to diddle your kids. Now shut up and pay your taxes, said the politicians.

    1. Oh yes, a nail on the head comment. People can pontificate on how all the laws *should* be, and what could fix things. But why should any "Representative" care. F the people. They are mostly apathetic compliant sheep that won't fight back, deserving of a dictatorship.

      It seems the only way forward is to collapse the system and break the US up, in hopes some might remain free. Sabotage and damage Fed property where one can, make things worse.

  7. The only effective soultion to the problem created and perpetuated by human assholes is a large enough solar flare to incinerate every living thing on the planet or a direct hit from an asteroid traveling at 25,000 mph the size of the planet Mercury

    1. Now that would make a great picture for tikky tokky.

  8. I've had "Representatives" from both parties. Currently my rep is Derek Kilmer(D) in WA6. He is no different than any Rs I have questioned about this insane spending. He sends me some form letter bullshit about how he's bringing home the cash to "our" district while never addressing that almost 40% of every dollar is simply conjured up with keystrokes. Not earned, not risked for or planned but trillions available to connected banks at near zero % and loaned out. It's all upside for them. Sweet huh?

    It can't last, I'm surprised there hasn't been the collapse. The only possible reason is other countries have managed to fuck their shit up even worse(China comes to mind) The last "budget" deal that has given these DC pigs license to spend trillions more in the next 1 1/2 years(they've already spent almost a trillion in 1 month) is akin to pouring gas on a fire.

    And this guy is seriously telling us what questions we need to ask them? HAHAHA As if.


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