
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Talk about a Hail Mary gun...

HAZEL PARK, Mich. (FOX 2) - Michigan State Police seized a loaded mini-revolver during a crash investigation in Hazel Park this week.


  1. NAA mini, 5 shot single action, comes with both .22LR and .22WMR cylinders. Look around and you can find the belt buckle holster for it. Not my first choice but not something I want to get shot by, either.

  2. North American Arms . Comes with a belt buckle “holster”. Single action five shot. A little difficult to shoot, but they work just fine. Eod1sg Ret

  3. Years ago a friend use to carry one in a Buck knife holster/sheaf. You could not tell there was a pistol in it.

  4. When it's so hot you're wearing nothing but a banana hammock and a smile, this is the perfect concealed carry piece.

  5. Tiny. My grandfather had a .32 pistol that size. It came with a wallet sized/shaped holster with a hole in the middle so you could pull the trigger without removing it from the holster, in other words if you were being mugged you could pull it out of your pocket and plug your assailant.

    1. I have the same set up for S&W Bodyguard .380 . Prints just like a wallet.

    2. Same for my Ruger LCP .380 Wallet holster made by Meco.

  6. I shot a 1 inch group at about 8 yards with a friends at the range once upon a time. Well made little gun. Not something I want but an NAA revolver is definitley the difference between being unarmed and armed. The cylinder has these little index slots between the chambers so you can carry it with the hammer down. You can see them in the picture with the article. Pretty ingenious if you ask me.

  7. I have that exact gun. Like others, it's not my go-to choice for self-defense obviously. But if you ever had to take something out quietly, it'll do the job nicely.

  8. The police call it - and others like it - an 'Onion Field' gun, after the 1963 murder of an LAPD officer and the subsequent book and 1973 movie.

  9. My uncle founded Rocky Mountain Arms in 1972, manufacturing both those mini revolvers and revolvers for the .454 Casull in SLC. He claimed to be the only man who went broke making guns in the US. The company pieces later became NAA and Freedom Arms. They seem to be doing okay. (There was also this little .22 black powder rifle that no one wanted.)

  10. Also known as a "get off me gun".

    1. A friend of mine long ago carried one for precisely that reason. The way he put it was, "If some SOB jumps on me I'll stick this in his belly and pull the trigger three or four times, and he'll get off me."

  11. Almost got cornered outside of my truck. I'd gotten out to let the dog pee. Fucking crackhead drives into the parking lot, swings around, parks between me and the truck. Fortunately, Ellie recognized the threat, awesome @ 8 mos old, she changed the entire thing. Next time home, I bought a NAA, carry it in the 22mag. The slots are the perfect safety. I NEVER get out without it, IDGAF what rules are posted. The judged by 12 vs carried by 6 rule override.
    Almost forgot, glad you're back, Ken. Hope you had a great vacation.

    1. Word. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away an off-duty SAPD Officer was enjoying a picnic at Mile Square Park when a local goblin and his minions decided to make trouble for him and his friends. One thing led to another and a NAA single-action .22lr revolver sent the goblin to the morgue and his minions to OC Jail. Yes, it would not be my first choice but here in Winterfell (North ID) when I am out in the back 40, I have one in the right front pocket of my bibs. First round is snake shot, the other four are for whoever comes along. First rule of a gunfight: HAVE A GUN! Bleib ubrig. - DTW.

  12. Come on. Can that even be considered a gun? I know it can kill ya, but so can the pint glass of beer in my hand.

    1. Read the other comments here and be enlightened.


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