
Friday, July 14, 2023

TikTok helping to thin the herd once again

A TikTok boat jumping challenge that sees people jump from the rear of the vessels while moving at high speed has been blamed for four deaths in Alabama. 

The challenge, which has been popularized on TikTok, involves individuals engaging in dangerous water activities.


  1. Does Tik Tok make people stupid or does it attract stupid people?
    Any time I see a story that says "Viral Tik Toker.......", I skip it.

  2. @Matthew W: I think it attracts stupid people dying for attention, literally.

  3. Until about 1945, wars, diseases and famines regularly wiped out about one third to half the population.

    Usually the cognitively challenged like Louis XVI.

    And I therefore consider Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Waldstein way more exciting than TikTok.

    Though I admit to prefer to live in the present.

    On the other side the khazarian US mafia really makes me worried.

    1. Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Waldstein . . . Khazarian. Wow, I had to look them up.

  4. Tik Tok is the virtual removal of Warning labels and letting the stupid thin the herd.

  5. The popularity of Tik Tok "challenges" along with TV commercials is proof positive American society is evolving in the wrong direction

  6. Just a little chlorine in the gene pool. I don't see the problem.
    Maybe they should jump in in front of the prop. Much hilarity would ensue.


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