
Friday, July 28, 2023

Treason as Policy

I’m going to take a little time to go through this. Please don’t get hung up on the Constitutional questions, I’m not relying on them for anything except a true understanding of the magnitude of the issues at hand.


  1. Well this goes back to the original bush.... No recent president except Trump, love him or hate him, gives a shit about the border and illegal aliens coming into the country. The demos are in favor because of votes and rinos are because of cheap labor.. Neither of these clueless POS have thought it out to the point where the number of illegals are great enough to make their own way.. Do you think they will continue to work so cheap for multimillionaires or vote for a bunch of pandering useless communists ....

  2. I'll have those beaners voting democrat for the next one hundred years.
    *Joe Biden.


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