
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Who ignores somebody knocking on their windows?

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - Memphis Police Department has arrested and charged a woman after she broke into a stranger’s home, stole personal items, and refused to leave the residence. 

According to police, the owner of a home near Chelsea Avenue heard someone knocking on the windows repeatedly.


  1. Saw the mugshot. She should have stolen the owners make up gear and deodorant.

  2. 45 caliber solution needed. Call the cops; they'll ignore it, or slow walk it, but then you're on record having reported a potential home invasion. Window broken, shoot as the invader enters. Call cops back: "no rush, you can come collect the body anytime". They'll be there in under 5 min, sirens wailing. And you're golden. You've reported it, you had cause, you called it in after the fact. Too bad the goblin died, but oh well. Only way it gets better is if the homeowner is over 65 and female.

    1. "Only way it gets better is if the homeowner is over 65 and female."

      And a minority. In a wheelchair.

  3. Replies
    1. Yea, looks more like a wrinkled tyranny on fentenyl


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