
Thursday, July 20, 2023

"Y'all be good now and stay out of trouble"

Law enforcement officials in Illinois are braced for a spike in crime after the state eliminated cash bail, with a bill critics have dubbed 'America's most dangerous law'. 

A ruling by the state's Supreme Court on Tuesday paved the way for the radical change to take effect from September 18, when Illinois will become the first state in the nation to eliminate cash bail as a condition of pretrial release.


  1. What the heck, the Chicago pickaninnies have been doing 180s through the revolving door of justice for years. This just makes it transparent.

  2. If one expects reparations then all the dole one has “acquired” previously (obama phone, EBT, Medicaid, rent assistance, school, childcare and such “free” dole) should be subtracted from the reparations. Upon payment of said graft, then you are on your own. Free and clear to survive and find out what us “taxpayers” have to hustle for to scrape by. Sez, 1st ANGLICO

    1. Not mine or yours fault that their great grandaddy squandered the mule and 40 acres.

    2. No one ever got a mule or 40 acres, unless they earned the money to pay for it. The Union was broke before the Civil War was over, and could not afford to do anything like that. Union greenbacks were so devalued by the end of the war that you could buy 285 of them with $100 in gold coins. It took until 1878 - 13 years - for greenbacks to reach parity with gold and the US government to freely redeem them.

      The CSA was in even worse shape financially. Jefferson Davis allegedly took along a wagon train loaded with silver and gold when he finally had to leave Richmond, but I think it would have taken 20 such wagon trains to pay the Confederate debts, and 100 to redeem the Confederate paper money.

  3. In other news, the Illinois Supremes ruled Firearm Owners ID cards are Constitutional. Next, firearm owners will be required to wear a yellow star on the outside of their clothing.

  4. In order to reduce arrests that end up with the perps walking free, here are six words the cops just need to scream out, "I THINK HE HAS A GUN!"


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