
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Your Tuesday Morning Florida Report

Summer camp was anything but fun and games last Monday at a school on the Space Coast of Florida. 

 According to an arrest affidavit from the police department, a 74 year old female counselor was arrested on child abuse charges at Surfside Elementary School in Satellite Beach at around 2:45 p.m.


That constituted child abuse?


  1. Kenny, things are bad, real bad.
    I know you're on the right side of things, but understand, in some areas, its a crime to misgender someone! Child absuse if you don't call your son Charles, Consuela. Go. To. Jail.
    We have to stop being passive about the assaults on normality.
    If we don't arrest the movement and stop it now, here, the backlash, when it comes, will rival Hitler. How do you think he came to be? People kept thinking it will just go away. Pendulums swing from one side to the next, then back all over agin. Read history. Learn from it.

    1. Anon your comment is spot on. And this is in Florida? Most people think Florida is "safe" from a lot of the wokeness but I guess it depends on the politics of the county prosecutor, and likely the details of race of those involved including the arresting officers.

  2. Pouring a cup of water on a misbehaving kid is not child abuse. Neither is it animal abuse to fire a water pistol at a cat to teach it to stay off the couch or to hose down the dog on a hot summer day. Hopefully the prosecutor has more sense than the cops and will decline prosecution in this instance.

    In the meantime, up in NY, the Negro Manhattan District Attorney, Fat Alvin Bragg, declines to prosecute a fellow bro’ for pushing a woman off the platform and onto the subway tracks. Instead he is prosecuting Trump on BS charges, and he is prosecuting that ex US Marine for subduing a crazed (usual suspect) subway passenger who threatened to kill all the riders and was probably so drugged up that he died by the minimal force the marine used to restrain him.

  3. 74 year old female councillor. No picture but I wonder if she's hot and was using the water to stop the randy little tyke from humping her leg.

  4. Remember, it's not the crime you're arrested for that causes punishment. It's the system process that's the punishment. She may beat this, but the process will bankrupt her and she may end up on the streets as a result. That's the punishment.


  5. The counselor is not a protected class. But it's OK to diddle and bugger little kids, in fact it's probably encouraged if one is well-connected POS politician, actor or whatever.

  6. According to a psych nurse I know, throwing water on out-of-control patients was a common tactic for de-escalating a violent situation. I guess now it would be considered cruel and unusual punishment.

  7. That section of Brevard County is overwhelmingly military retirees and more-right than the rest of Brevard County, which is pretty much a right-leaning county to begin with.

    Surfside? Damn. Double damn.

  8. Kind of reminds me of the counselor (resource lady or something like that I think was her title) we had when I was in elementary school, in the early 80s. I was so bored in school all the time and not always doing my work, so I had to spend some time with her, getting lumped in with the retards.

    She was a miserable mean fucking cunt and I really hope she's in some form of hell now, ideally after a painful bout of cancer. I'd love to find out where she's buried so I could go take a dump on her grave. My hatred for that horrible person still burns and I'm almost 50 years old. You don't forget the pieces of shit like this that you meet when you're young.

    1. Apples and oranges, but thanks for playing.



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