
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Your Wednesday Morning Florida Report

PUTNAM COUNTY, Fla. — Putnam County deputies arrested a man on Friday morning after they said he showed up at a home with the complete set of “Harry Potter” books, intending to have sex with a 15-year-old Palatka girl.


  1. Harry Potter? that's a lame cover.. He should have brought a complete 54-Volume set of the Encyclopedia Britannica and said he was a door-to-door salesman.

    1. Blueberry muffins, and a complete set of HP books (and a $20 bill?)...these will be used in court against him as they will be things the "15-year-old"/sting agent asked him to bring. This is such a random group of objects that he won't be able to explain his appearance at the home as coincidence or claim that someone else spoofed his email.

  2. I'm guessing he misread the titles to be Harry Pooter?

  3. You know, every time I read something like this, I think we are so far gone that recovery is just not possible without some extreme violence on a grand scale. Every fucking day it's something else that a normal society would just not tolerate. I mean, I understand it's not a bacon tree, but maybe at some point, we should flank the ham bush.

  4. Sounds like a Tom Waits song...


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