
Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Biden Withholding Key Funding for Schools With Hunting and Archery Programs

A hunting expert who recently spoke to FOX News is claiming that the Biden administration is withholding key funding to schools with hunting and archery programs. 

He said this is due to the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act or BSCA.


  1. This libturd is shuch a dick and worse. He needs to have some retroactive abortion dropped on him.

  2. reprogramming society one bite at a time.

  3. Apparently, housekeeping staffers at the Whitehouse have claimed that Biden is sneaking soiled diapers out of sanitary containers left by visitors with infants. If this is so, the public at large needs to step in ahead of any government officials and remove this freak from the white house. Things have gotten so far out of hand, it seems like our only rational response

  4. Well, finally someone is taking action on the ongoing problem of bow and arrow stickups!
    Truthfully, that's too stupid to even be successful sarcasm.

  5. One of the local suburbs is quite wealthy, and has their own school district. Back in the 70's they were visited by someone from the Department of Education. After a tour and a few questions, the DoE representative gave the school Superintendent a list of required changes. The Superintendent looked it over and said they'd take it under advisement. The DoE representative said that it wasn't a request, that if they didn't make the changes they'd lose federal funding. The Superintendent looked back and said they'd take it under advisement, and that they didn't accept federal funding. The DoE representative didn't know how to respond. That school district was, and still is, in the top 10 in the state, and I believe they're in the top 10 in the country. I wonder where they'd be if they took the DoE's advice?

  6. Hmmm...let me think...what was it I was going to say?...Oh yeah, I know, FUCK GROPEY JOE BIDEN (up the ass yada yada yada)

  7. These School Districts should take the opportunity to cut all ties with the Pare down all the unnecessary DOE mandates and get back to teaching. Can all the libtard teachers while they are at it.

  8. Since when does Gropey Joe write the checks that go to the school systems?
    What's next? If they don't preach the religion of his choosing, he'll withhold funding too?

  9. Okay.
    .GOV isn't paying them, so they're free to do what they want.

  10. Never a Lee Harvey around when you need one....


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