
Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Boy, that psychologist is right on top of things, isn't she?

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — Disturbing, that is the word many people used after seeing two kids abuse and kill multiple animals inside Petland.

A parakeet, rabbit, gerbil and guinea pig were among the animals hurt or killed. The owner and employees of Petland were devastated after watching the security footage and one psychologist says seeing that behavior is an immediate red flag.


  1. At some point in the future, one of these kids will abuse or kill humans, and people will act surprised, claiming that no one saw this coming. Either that, or it will turn out that many people had called the cops over the concerning behavior and the cops did nothing.

    1. Many years ago in college I researched and wrote a paper on serial killing, and learned that there are apparently three common traits that virtually all serial killers exhibit in early adolescence. Bed-wetting, the torture of small animals, and a third one that slips my mind just now. Possibly bullying of smaller, weaker children.

      My son had a best friend who was a bed-wetting, pet-torturing bully. Watching for his name in the news.


    2. Yeah, it's a red flag. But just because all democrats are idiots doesn't mean that all idiots are democrats. I.E. He may turn out just fine. Might go horrifically wrong too, but he may turn out to honestly be a good person.

      Still something to watch for though.

      John G

    3. The "McDonald Triad" is fire setting, sadism (lumping animal abuse and bullying together), and bed-wetting.

    4. Yes, that was it - fire setting. Thanks for reminding me.

  2. Nope, don't need the opinion of a shrink to figure out these kids are some kind a fucked up. If she becomes their doctor she will probably decide the problem is they need a sex change operation and lots and lots of pills. Once they are diagnosed and on pills they can do any fucking thing they want and get away with it. Well, they are sick or they forgot their medications. 'Tis the way of the world nowadays.

  3. Let’s see the video.

  4. Ah. i was wondering where serial killers come from.

  5. This despicable behavior has a source: the parents.

  6. Lost Causes. Delete them now, it’s doing them a favor in reality

  7. A real Leopold & Loeb these two.


  8. Do everyone a solid now: neuter them, and permanently house them in a state facility for life.


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