
Tuesday, August 01, 2023

But I thought they wanted us to eat bugs

Trader Joe's has issued a voluntary recall of its Unexpected Broccoli Cheddar Soup that was distributed in seven states after a supplier informed the retailer it "may contain insects."


  1. Well, USFDA allows so many insect parts, rodent shit and pubic hairs in our food

  2. Expect the unexpected from TJ's Unexpected Broccoli Cheddar Soup.

    Oughta change the name to 'Uninspected..."


  3. The store is fucking gross just like the knuckledragging subaru drivers that go there. No big surprise.

  4. Bill Gates, baby. Bugs for the masses. Once they get you used to insects, it's a shorter jump to Soylent Green.

  5. Ship them all to Bill Gate's home since he wants them so much.

  6. This "insect consuming push" has me confused. Assuming these idiots are actually serious, where, exactly are these bugs supposed to come from - Uranus? To get the quantities of bugs necessary to feed the world's population, bug production would have to be on the order of current worldwide agriculture, likely accompanied with current worldwide agriculture's expenditure of resources. But, before that is even possible, the bug-production infrastructure would have to be invented, then built. This eat bugs idea makes global warming look downright reasonable.

    1. EXACTLY!!!
      One of the reasons cows were domesticated was because you got some of the best yield per input! Once its passed 6 months, it basically feeds itself for 2 years on pasture and BAM, 1200 lbs of useable meat.

    2. My cattle have enough flies in summer to feed half of Canada

  7. Waiter, there's a fly in my soup.
    Sir, please be quiet, everyone will want one.

    Waiter, what's this fly doing in my soup?
    It appears to be the back stroke.


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