
Friday, August 18, 2023

Channeling his inner Ernest T Bass

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — A man threw a rock at a Nashville restaurant because a "displaced citizen" woke him up from his sleep.


I like how they put displaced citizen in quotation marks, which I interpret as 'They make us use those terms but we all know it means a homeless dope fiend who is supported by our tax dollars.'


  1. In Hawaii I used to hear. A people living an alternitive lifestyle. Translation, bums.

  2. I respectfully disagree Kenny. The use of euphamisms in language is not intended as a wink and a nod (quotes aside), but rather to redirect the emotional response. They're trying to soften an otherwise detestable subject by giving it a less rancorous name. 'Urban youths' aren't code words for the MAGA crowd, it is a deliberate attempt to deflect the blame from the source of the problem. Its not accidental, nor is it healthy.
    'Mostly peaceful riots' "peaceful" and "riot" are antonyms for God's sake. See what they are doing to language - Orwell warned us, Bradbury warned us. Badthink is doubleplus ungood. Thats what theyvare doing. Do not allow it. Call a spade a spade, force them to do it.

    1. Oh, I agree with you as far as the terms go, it was the quotation marks I saw in this particular article. They usually have no problem using other terms, such as teens, youths and children without the quotation marks.

    2. Damn, Kenny. I'm impressed you actually understood what he was saying!

  3. They call them unhoused in MD

  4. The T is for Throwin' rocks

  5. Either call them feral or strays.

  6. In Assholeville, NC 25 miles up the road from me a "displaced citizen" is an "unhoused resident". Funny though the rich libs have no intention of inviting those "unhoused residents" into their homes.

  7. I still call em fucking bums.

    1. And there you go; I do the same, then scold those who try to throw guilt trips on me. Most of those people are exactly where they want to be.

    2. It's not the bum that threw the rock this time.

    3. 11 days after it was posted.....
      You do realize you can comment on posts the same day they come out, right? Instead of constantly commenting on posts a week or more later?

  8. It says something about the age and/or television viewing habits of your readers that "Ernest T Bass" passed without comment.


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