
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Christie: Social Security, Medicare cuts are a necessary ‘political risk’ in today’s economy

(The Hill) — Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) said it’s time to take a “political risk” and consider changes to Social Security and Medicare benefits for young people. 

Changes to the programs are necessary, or they could run out of money for everyone in about a decade as the country faces a rising national debt, the presidential candidate said.


  1. We are running out of workers to pay in enough to pay retirees, the Ponzi schemes called Social Security and Medicare are about to hit their inevitable end. Note that, contrary to popular belief, we have NO legally binding claim to any promised benefits, Congress can (if they ever have the balls) reduce or eliminate payments. A moral claim to what we paid in? Yes. A legal claim? Not at all, look at the court decisions.

    I saved as much as I could for the last 30 years because I knew SS and Medicare weren't possible for the long term.

    1. Easy fix. All we need is for Congress to pay back Social Security all that money they've been pilfering from that "lockbox" for decades.

    2. Whataya think they can just print the money? Oh, wait...

  2. say, lets start with reducing costs by eliminating government jobs. Cutting back on their gold plated pensions. eliminating all benefits to illegal aliens. Stop all the "Free" medical care for illegals. lets start there and see where that goes.

    1. Throw in eliminating ALL foreign aid.

    2. Foreign aid is laundered and returned to the Congress crittters. They will never cut it off.

  3. You are NOT going to convince young people to take a $10 cut when they turn 70. Promise them $100,000 College Loan Forgiveness though and they'll happily vote for you.
    (This is not vote buying of course because that we all know that is 'illegal'.)

  4. When is the welfare/EBT/section 8 housing fund due to run out?

    1. Never. Thru an inversion of logic only a Democrat can understand programs paid by taxes levied on the populace are 'Benefits' that can be altered by Congress, but ones that are supposed to be based on need are 'Entitlements' that cannot be changed. EBT/Section 8 are Entitlements.

  5. This is the same man who wants to keep funneling Billions to Ukraine,

  6. Ann Coulter's heart throb of 2016 hasn't changed one bit. Like Pence, Christie's not in it to win it, he's merely there to siphon off votes from Trump. The "debate" tonight ought to be quite the slapstick comedy providing pundits with soundbites for a good week or two.
    - WDS

    1. I’m convinced that….
      with the gopE running all these home state rinos….
      that they’re trying to keep Trump45 from….
      having a 51% win in some states and denying….
      him 51% nationally so they (gopE) can pick the nominee….
      at the convention.

    2. Ed357, in such event, the GOP is going to learn a bigger lesson than they did with Lisa Murkowski.

    3. @ Anon 1:47PM "Christie's not in it to win it"

      Christie's in it to get donations which he'll put in pocket.

      I live in one of the "early" primary states. Other than Trump, I've been getting flyers from most every declared candidate once a week for a couple months now, EXCEPT for Chrisitie. He may be buying some TV ads, but not as many as Desantis, Burgum, Johnson and Noem, so I don't know what he's spending the donations on. He IS getting a lot of FREE ads nationally because he's being interviewed by leftist "journalists" where all he does is bash Trump.

      Christie's a grifter, just like every other NJ pol. He's going nowhere along with all the rest of the field. I think the RNC is using him to try to siphon support away from Trump, which is failing miserably. Christie's pissed because Trump wouldn't give a job in his government in 2017 and now he's trying to take what he thinks is revenge. All he's really doing is making a bigger fool of himself than he already was.


  7. The cure is in progress. The elites are culling the young herd right now between vaccines and social media induced suicides so in 50 years there'll be fewer SS recipients

  8. Not a problem if one has laid back enough personal savings. Such as a few hundred pounds of fat, the most effective hedge against cold winters.

    1. People tend to be like the grasshopper to live for the present and ignore what's gonna happen down the road. That's why Social Security was created back 1935. The current generation is no different than their great-grandfathers.

  9. I just threw up in my mouth. We're all supposed to take these cuts in order to keep funding the war in Ukraine, one of the most corrupt govts on earth, where upteen biolabs just like Wuhan were found?

  10. Bullshit! Increase the SS tax on people making more than the average worker.

    1. Removing the earnings cap can't do the job, there aren't enough high wage earners to make a difference. You pay SS on wages, no dividends or earnings from capital. That means you well never see one of the billionaires pay 10s of millions a year in SS contributions. Zuckerberg doesn't have to pull a huge salary from Fakebook.

    2. Go ahead increase the taxes, I'll work even less. I am John Galt.

  11. Fuck you fatboy; start cutting funds to all those "migrants" camped out in hotels.

  12. Right out of the RINO playbook, give the democrats the "talking points on how republicans want to cut SS and other benefits".

    1. Like the Dems haven't spouted something like this every other year for decades.

  13. GOP debates should have a pie eating contest before the first question.
    Christie could shine.

  14. Here’s a thought: eliminate everyone who never contributed to SS. I’m looking at you, immigrants and kids with “disabilities”.

  15. seems welfare has an unlimited budget. We pay people to feed they're kids, as that wasn't happening we pay for kids to eat at school (all year) but didn't cut the costs from the food stamps. Everything and everything for the illegals and the anti workers and those few of paying taxes get the bill.

  16. I've always figured I'd never see a dime of all the "taxes" (highway robbery) that I've paid out over the years. I could have saved money. I had kids instead. I figure they're worth a couple million (lifetime earnings) each, and they can move and fight back, unlike a stock portfolio.

    So I'm figuring that my kids will support me in my old age. If they can't or won't, that'll be a damned shame, but I figure my odds are better than anyone who things government will take care of them.

    This is the way that "retirement" worked for thousands upon thousands of years. It's why the Chinese women aborted baby girls in huge numbers in response to the "one child per woman" policy. It is still tradition, in that part of the world, that it's your eldest son's wife that cares for you in your old age. So not having a son? Not having Your son dying before he gets married? Or him and his wife dying? That means there is no one to care for you or feed you in your old age, and you're out on the streets to die of cold, starvation, and exposure.

    You're all correct about not enough children in the US. You're all correct about looting of social security funds. But none of that really matters: The bottom line is that SS is a failed experiment. It is and was a "defined benefit" retirement plan, and those have proven to be unreliable liability nightmares. Such plans are why California (and other states) is insolvent. Such plans are why no employer in my area EVER signs a union contract. (Because to get out they have to pay off the "unfunded liability" associated with the retirement plan.)

    All defined benefit retirement plans are Evil. Instead we have "defined contribution" where you save money, it earns interest, and it's YOUR fuckin' money. Makes in much harder to loot the pension fund without anybody noticing.

  17. I hate to break it to you, but there is no "social security trust fund". They spent that decades ago buying votes (social programs) and having their wars without increasing taxes to pay for them. The SS system is, and likely always was, a Ponzi scheme. When the original system went into operation the average life expectancy was like a year more than the minimum age to receive the checks. YOU WERE NEVER MEANT TO ACTUALLY RECEIVE THE MONEY for more than a few months. I have read that the original purpose was to get old people out of jobs so the younger voters....I mean workers....could have work. Yay FDR (spit!).

    I'm sorry that you were scammed, truly I am. To sort of quote the late John Belushi "you trusted them, you fucked up". People of my generation (X) realized that there will be no social security checks for us. And some of us have MODIFIED OUR LIVES TO ACCOUNT FOR THIS. I'll never get SS, so.....why should I pay for yours? It's not a trust fund, it's a gun held to my head. I am not, and never will be your slave. Death first. I own my place outright. I am working on growing my own food. I heat with wood from my property. I have quit the corporate rat race. I walked away from a VERY well paying job..... because the taxes got too high. Go ahead, raise the Social Security tax.....I'll work even less. I AM JOHN GALT.

    I do love watching "principled conservatives" do the mental gymnastics to justify taking, by threat of violence, others wealth. All taxation is theft. Period. Full stop.

  18. Wasn't it algore who cast the deciding vote to move ss to the general fund, so congress could use it? Think the senate was split 50/50, and, being vice pres., the president of the senate. While the fund was untouchable, social security could have lasted a hell of a long time, but they couldn't help themselves, thieves being thieves...
    Also, oddly enough, I think slick willie and algore presided over the last balanced budget. Newt and the 'promise to Americans'....not positive, but think so.

    1. I can't remember if it was the vote to move the SS Trust Fund to the General Fund or to start taxing SS Benefits if you had more than a poverty-level second income.

  19. Fixing Social Security is easy. Unless you’re a widow or an orphan or a cripple , you only can draw if you contribute

  20. Good thing there's settled precedent. When the con flames out, the people that engineered it, the people that benefit from it, and all the adults in the room that cheered it on -- can never take a haircut.

  21. I'm still pissed that Xiden twice introduced the legislation to tax SS benefits.

  22. Always social security, yet we have plenty of money for the immigrants coming across the border.

    1. I read that avg SS payout is $1400 monthly….
      and avg illegal invader gets $2200 monthly….
      plus free hotel room and board….WTF….????

  23. Christ Christie could save Social Security if he just donated half of his food bill to it.


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