
Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Commentary: Bill Lee Conspiring with Democrats and Conducting ‘Secret’ Meetings to Craft Surprise Gun Control Agenda for Special Session

In a constitutional republic with a so-called conservative Governor in a “red state” like Tennessee, few would expect that the Governor would be conspiring with gun control advocates and conducting “secret” meetings away from the capitol in order to craft a gun control package, including his demand that Tennessee enact a Red Flag law, to be revealed perhaps only once “his” Special Session is called? Well, if you are a Second Amendment advocate who has watched this particular Governor and several in the Republican legislative caucus over the last 13 years, you might be one to expect exactly that kind of shenanigans.


  1. We must remember The Deep State is deep enough to accomodate Republicans too. Some are just better actors than others.

    1. We must also remember that there is no such thing as a real Republican/Democrat. Under EACH scaled reptile skin is a deep state owned POS politician. Each and every mother's son and daughter is bought, paid for, owned, and controlled. Forget the two party name calling; if they were controlled they wouldn't be there.

  2. I found out what a dick Lee really is when during locked down; he held residents of nursing homes hostage well past the time the pandemic was over.

  3. It will stop when the ones that don't uphold the Constitution get tried and executed for treason and not until then (unless SMOD of course). Going to have to be by the citizenry as the system is beyond corrupt.
    Steve S6

  4. Every state looks red when coming from CA. TN might be purple ..


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