
Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Connecticut Gov. Lamont Hires Former U.S. Attorney to Probe Police Ticket Scandal

Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont has tapped a former federal prosecutor to conduct an independent investigation of allegations that state police may have issued hundreds of “fake” tickets. 

Lamont said he has hired former U.S. Attorney Deirdre Daly to investigate allegations outlined in a recent audit by a taxpayer-funded group that reviews police records to look for racial bias in law enforcement activities. Lamont said the inquiry seeks to determine “how and why the misconduct occurred” and why it went undetected for years.


  1. "We have investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrong-doing".

  2. But did they all make it home at the end of shift?

  3. Stopped reading when I saw “racial bias”. Remember the good ol’ days before obama & co started all the “racism” crap? Still cannot understand how that clown was elected. Lotsa stupid voters.

    1. You did not know how corrupt the after hours vote counting was until Trump. Obama was just as bad.

    2. I noped out at exactly the same point, dh.

  4. And they werent charged with felonies, because?

  5. This 'news' story leaves as many questions as it provides answers. In what sense were the tickets 'fake?' Could it be another case of 'women and minorities hardest hit?'

  6. From the Ct State auditors report last month.
    "Overreported traffic infractions by state troopers were more likely to involve white-non Hispanic drivers while the underreported violations were more likely to include Black or Hispanic motorists, the report states. More than 7,400 traffic stop records were falsified by constables, who are under the supervision of Connecticut State Police but considered town employees."
    So much for that White privilege I keep hearing about.

  7. Under reporting violations of the noogas?

  8. The short version is the cops designated ticketed black and Hispanic drivers as white to avoid the appearance of “disparate impact”.

  9. Looks like fake news. I wondered how "fake tickets" were written and what would have happened to anybody who did not show up for disposition of those tickets. I am naturally suspicious, I guess.

    It turns out that the tickets were only described in a separate (but equal) reporting database that was meant to document evidence of disparate ticketing of the vibrant drivers. Nobody makes the obvious point that the 13% (6.5%, actually) of the population that commits 50% of the murders in this country might also be disproportionately guilty of other offenses. Sorry to make what should be an obvious observation from a casual observer.


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