
Friday, August 04, 2023

Dear valued customer: Your package has been delivered

AUBURN, Calif. — A FedEx truck crashed into an Auburn home, going partially inside, Monday afternoon, according to police. Officers say heat exhaustion might have been the cause.


  1. A union devised attempt to illustrate what will happen daily by the thousands nationwide unless all the trucks are air conditioned immediately.

    1. Yeah. Going from air-conditioned to high temperature to air conditioned a hundred times a day shouldn't affect people or anything.

  2. Did they get their package? Article did mention this.

  3. "A FedEx truck crashed into an Auburn home, going partially inside, Monday afternoon, according to police. Officers say heat exhaustion might have been the cause."

    Sounds like that FedEx truck was FedUp with this ridiculous heat and went rogue. Can't blame it.


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