
Friday, August 18, 2023

Defining 'Worthless'

A street takeover earlier this year that enraged a Connecticut community prompted multiple 911 calls, which were met with dispatchers stating they were aware of the incident and police had been told to stand down, recordings of the emergency communications show.


  1. Progressives get what the wish for and blame it on police. Ya think the cops are that stupid they will be drawn into a George Floyd spider web and be eatin' by the liberal court system spiders? if I was a cop in that situation I'd be sittin' in a Dunkin Donuts dowin' crawlers, sipping coffee and watching the monkey show on TV

  2. So, thry WANT us to take the law into our own hands...

    1. Any excuse for Martial Law is a good excuse, for them.
      If the desired response doesn't come up on its own, they sure as hell will manipulate it.

    2. Frozen water bottles launched from large slingshots in back or side yards.

    3. 2lb iron ball fired out of a modified iron pipe, maybe a sack of 1/4lb iron balls. A whiff of grapeshot would do.

    4. We the people do not "take the law into our own hands". The law resides there. We delegate some of it to others and pay them to apply themselves full-time to using it to keep the peace. When they fail, or in this case refuse, to do what we pay them to do, we wield the power ourselves in their absence.

    5. 100%! I have been trying to explain this to people not only about the police, but schools and other delegates of our authority

  3. “There’s something bigger going ".
    Yes, the willful destruction of our country by the left.

    1. Of course, we need to Great Reset to Communist totalitarianism, utopia.

  4. It is actually more disturbing that these takeovers are being done by young White men.

    1. young whites always follow black behavior. whatever you see blacks doing, give it a little time. you'll soon be seeing young whites doing it.

    2. Color makes no distinction on who's a fucking idiot; however blacks are more prone to being idiots and morons due to their collectively lower IQs.

    3. YASS, Queen! My bowtie's ALL afflutter!

      (That young white [typography matters] men are not kneeling before the colonial powers that enslave them. Tsk. And tsk.)

    4. How many blacks do you think live in Connecticut ?????

    5. ----just a guess----too many?----

    6. The latest term to describe Caucasian folk and Northern European Heritage folk:
      * 'non-black'
      To get with the program, Anon 9:52 should write:
      * 'young non-blacks always follow black behavior'.

  5. GOP and the police, standing down when the People need standing up.

  6. Replies
    1. You really need to move out of the city. Our local cops here are pretty good guys.

    2. The new police uniforms will have a bullseye on the front, and the back.

  7. that's when you go bowling. run over as many as you can/

  8. Funny that "9-1-1 is a joke" used to be a nigga anthem, back when they were the "persecuted". Remember?

  9. CT stands for ClusTerfuck

  10. There's a reason that they make 30 round magazines.

  11. That took place right in front of where I do most of my grocery shopping. One of the major state police barracks in Connecticut is in Tolland. The State Police could have responded in minutes had they chosen to. Their excuse is that they had undercover operatives in the group and didn’t want to breech their cover.

    Is there a Nobel prize for stupid?

  12. Well none other than the SCOTUS has decided time and time again the police have NO duty to protect anyone, to help anyone or to prevent any crime from happening they are just there to pick up the pieces. The cops can lie to you, but if they think you are lying to them it's a felony. So, after thinking about it, I guess that Mr. average citizen had absolutely No duty to offer aid , assistance or sympathy to them . It works both ways. I have come to feel we ought to deal with these miscreants like those Sikh shopkeepers dealt with the robber a couple weeks ago. Let's face it even if the cops would haul the dirtballs in a lame D.A. will let them off without any real repercussions. If they go home with a totaled car ant beaten bloody maybe it won't happen again.

  13. "If they go home with a totaled car ant beaten bloody maybe it won't happen again". It won't happen again if they don't ever go home again.

  14. So it looks like "try that in a small town" is all talk.

    1. Tolland's population is about 14,000, but it's a part of the "Capitol Planning Region" with a population just under 1 million. It sounds like it's just one little segment of a continuous urban area, and giving it its own government does not make it a small town - the people are still urbanite, and I suspect it would be difficult to find anywhere in Connecticut that's any different.

  15. I've probably asked it here before, but is LE doesn't respond to burglaries, or car theft, or riots, or etc., what do they do and what purpose do they have?

    And I am not a left leaning defund the police type.

    1. If the Border Patrol refuse to patrol the borders...
      If LawEnforcementOfficials refuse to enforce the laws...
      If the government agents give their word to defend and protect our Constitution, then violate their oath as a requirement of their job...
      If teachers refuse to teach, but instead indoctrinate...
      What good are they?

  16. We the people do not "take the law into our own hands". The law resides there, it is our duty and responsibility as free citizens to uphold it. We delegate some of our responsibility to others and pay them to apply themselves full-time to wielding it to keep the peace. When they fail, or in this case refuse, to do what we pay them to do, we wield the power ourselves in their absence. Selah.

    Sorry for this somewhat of a double comment, Ken. I made the comment on another's offering above and then thought of how I could say it better. Note to self: Remember Hemingway's dictum on writing. To wit, "The first draft of anything is shit."

    1. That is only true if we have Rule of Law. We no longer have Rule of Law.

    Synopsis of the press-release:
    * LawEnforcementOfficials use license-plate readers.
    * Law-makers are concerned about LawEnforcementOfficials mis-using the equipment.
    * How long to locate a similar vehicle, remove the plate, mount it, commit crimes -- block an ambulance, block a family going to the hospital -- then return the plate onto the proper vehicle?
    I bet am enterprising youngster could earn a decent living by renting plates to criminals.


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