
Monday, August 21, 2023

Feinstein accuses trustees of husband’s estate of financial abuse

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) accused the trustees of her late husband’s estate of committing financial abuse against her and called for them to be suspended as administrators of the account in a recent legal filing.


  1. The Blum/Feinstein's stole that oney fair and square. How dare someone else try to steal it?

  2. How can that addled old bat know if she is being robbed?

  3. She want's her cut of the trust going to his daughters before she cacks it.

  4. Dear DiFi:
    I hope they steal your last nickle.

  5. I think he husband was in real estate back in the day. I also sure he handle the sales of old post office building instead of them going thru auction like most things do. so, he got a rather
    sizable amount off the sale of prime real estate across the country from the sale of closed post offices. I also remember back in 1994, she was bitching about not having enough votes to pull the 2nd and have everyone turn in their guns.
    she would get to keep hers though. can't stand that bitch myself. I hopes she lives a long time in the shape she in. I wonder how long they let her sit in her shitty depends before changing her old bitter ass. dave in pa.

    1. Her husband Richard Blum's investment firm had major holdings in Coldwell Banker Real Estate (CBRE), who handled the sale of (and commissions for) all federal surplus property, not just USPS properties. His firm also was a major investor in Tutor Perrini, the prime contractor for California's High Speed Rail project, that bottomless pit of both federal funds and money derived from the Cap and Trade fee on every gallon of fuel sold in the state. That's one reason why gasoline in CA is over five bucks a gallon, and a dollar and a half a gallon more than in most other states.

  6. To quote one of Nancy's brethren Joel Grey: "Sheckels, shekels, shekels make the voild go round"!

  7. If that skank cannot manage her husbands estate, or her own, she has no business in the Senate.

  8. Turn about is fair play. She has been financially mismanaging and ruining the USA for decades.

  9. What does she care?!? If she lost 90% of her dead husband's estate, it would not change her lifestyle. Similarly, if her fortune went up by a factor of 100, it would change her lifestyle at this stage of life.

    1. I'm pretty sure it's not "her" doing the filing, it's either her children or her lawyers, who both hope to get a cut of the $5 million themselves since she's obviously brain-dead and can't spend it herself.

      Given the wealth of most politicians, I wouldn't think $5 million would make much of a difference, but I guess every penny counts.

    2. I've got a list of other people, mostly politicians, that I take great comfort in knowing that one fine day, all their ill-gotten gains, all their power, bluster and rhetoric won't buy them another breath.

  10. I'm betting the lawyers are driving the action, since the daughters get the money anyway after she kicks the bucket.


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