
Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Good Morning



  1. Had an old farm house set up on a hill. Dirt drive. When it rained sometimes my daughter and I would go out and we would built dams and canals in the streams running down the drive. We'd be soaked to the gills. Or sometimes we just took long walks through the fields and woods. I always taught her a rainy day was a beautiful day.

    1. funny, I used to do the same thing when my kids where small. except it was in the hills of eastern KY, grandma's house. dave in pa.

    2. Shenandoah Valley, the house was right on the Cross Keys Battle Field to be specific.

  2. It poured on my wedding day, for an outdoor ceremony. If just one more person came up to us that day to offer their opinion that it was a 'good omen' I was going to lose my shit.

    Still together, so there's that.

  3. My younger years were spent in the Florida and Georgia swamps. It's all puddles.


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