
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

He didn't even wait on the ambulamps

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office is investigating after a man was shot several times on Catoma Street.

According to detectives, at around 11:25 p.m. Tuesday, officers responded to a local hospital after a man in his 50s walked in with three gunshot wounds to his chest, arm and finger. He is in critical but stable condition.


  1. I like the "ambulamps". It is similar to when somebody "axed" a question; and other gems of the Ebonics language.
    Why do our heavily pigmented comrades work so hard to erase any knowledge of proper English they may have received in the U.S. educational system?
    Well, that is another can of worms: the U.S. school system, oy vey.

    1. I though it was ampalamps... Maybe Ebonics has regional dialects?

  2. Hit 3 times?!??! What do they use, .22s?!

    1. 9mm fmj or .380 of the same flavor. Nothing happens unless a hit is made on a vital.

  3. Burning question: Is he insured by his employer under Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield or Cigna?

  4. I read that as "amber lamps."

  5. "Somebody call me a cab! Damned if I'm gon' bleed to deaf waitin' fo a ammalance!" -- Richard Pryor c.1978


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