
Wednesday, August 16, 2023

"Homeschool is no school"

A Coffee County Judge with a reputation for being biased against homeschooling trampled on parental rights on Tuesday by ordering a homeschooled student back to public school. 

General Sessions and Juvenile Court Judge Gerald Ewell, Jr. told the student that he could send her away and that “homeschool is no school.”


  1. "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

    Truer words were never written.....

  2. I guess all the studies of homeschooling vs private vs public schools that show that homeschooling is the best option were wrong. Good thing this guy is here to keep us all dumb.

  3. I'd tell that judge to suck a fat dog's dick.

  4. Sorry folks, the American Judicial system and education system have been taken over by the progressives who believe they, not you, own your kids and there ain't gonna be an "armed revolution" to stop it. This message has been brought to you by the Critical Thinkers society.

  5. Sue the Judge personally for violation of the State Law regarding Home Schooling. Also, hire a PI to find out about his Pedophile predilections, you'll find 'em.

    1. The judge will be protected by qualified immunity. It takes a pretty heinous act to actually breach that.

  6. I've known home schooled kids that breezed through their freshman college courses because they were well prepared. I've also known home schooled kids that were as dumb as a box of rocks. I've known the same situation in kids from public schools. The judge is out of line. Neither system is a cure all, but excluding one isn't going to fix the other.

  7. In a recording from the Patriot Punk Network, the judge can be heard saying, “When there’s a truancy charge pending, state law says that I have to approve homeschool.”

    Ewell Jr. then says, “And I don’t do it. You’ve got to go to a public school. Homeschool is no school.”

    The judge is thumbing his nose at the law and declaring himself above it.

  8. If every black kid in America were "homeschooled", the public schools would be safe enough for everyone else to return to, and actual learning could take place. Think about it.

    1. That's pretty ignorant BS. There are plenty of white groomers salivating at turning your children against you, mutilating their private parts, and sterilizing them.

    2. Anon @ 8:30 - What Anon @ 6:36 said is not ignorant, but rather is true. I've lived it. If you haven't, shut your cakehole.

    3. Shell, you obviously went to public school because your reading comprehension sucks.

      If your eliminate all the black students, you still have to worry about the white groomers going after the kids. By the way, I went to school with a bunch of @ssh0le Dutch students. I freely admit that I still hate the f*cking Dutch.

  9. Sorry judge. I seemed to have lost my kids in a tragic boating accident on a very deep lake.


  10. I think 1 in 10 people are competent in the profession they choose. As for judges I put that 1 in a 1000 if they are liberal.

  11. That judge should be receiving a letter from the Homeschool Legal Defense Association. Same for the school and its Board. They don't have the right and can be taken to task.

  12. Come take a quiet walk with me through the woods judge, and you can explain to me how my children are yours.

  13. I moved my daughter to another state and made sure there was no record of her being here. We waited until she finished homeschool before we got her an ID to start college classes. She graduated at 14 and is moving on with her life and college. There is no point in kids sitting in high school for four years when they can do the work in 6 months to a year. My daughter is an average student but was able to pass her placement test for college level classes after finishing high school online in 6 months.

    Jeremy P

    1. My mother skipped 3 grades and started college at 15. I started at 16. My younger sister graduated high school at 16, but didn't go straight to college. I was lucky that most people thought I was in my 30s, but starting college overly young is a great way to become a social misfit. A large part of college is making connections that you can use throughout your life and career.

  14. Yeah, public schooling is a fairly recent experiment. One that has failed horrifically. Most if not all of the ills of modern society can be traced back to failures of the public school system.

    And the thing is that these failures are designed into the system from the start. Throwing more money at the problem will not and cannot solve it. The system as a whole is designed to fail, and needs to be completely scrapped. There's only ONE unarguable benefit of public schools - they provide babysitting for low-income families. And they do a piss-poor job of that.

    It'd be far better to acknowledge the realities of the situation, and replace the whole shebang with a daycare voucher. No education requirements AT ALL. Because the fact that government money is going to education *is* the problem. Besides it being blatantly unconstitutional, it also mandates failure.

    1. "Throwing more money at the problem will not and cannot solve it." But it does allow for more "administrators" and diversity hires.

    2. The American education system was based on the Prussian system that was designed to crank out rule-following, obiedent soldiers. Depending on what the goal is, the American education system is a wild success. I just think none of us have the "right" goals for our children.

  15. After going to an end of year home school program, I realized there is hope for America. Those kids were bright, clean, well mannered, obedient, courteous, and patriotic. It was just humbling to listen to them spontaneously thank The Lord for their blessings. So impressed that they were started in Latin on day one.

  16. We mostly homeschooled our three kids. The last one was home alone without his siblings, which for him wasn't healthy, so he's spending his last two years in private school. That's stretched us pretty thin, but it's been worth it knowing what he's learning.

    Our oldest graduated summa cum laude from a state university last June, and he's now looking at grad programs. Our middle child has a 4.0 going into his third year of engineering classes. Our youngest maintained a 4.0 in his classes at private school his first year there last year. Grades certainly aren't everything, but it's an indication they were well prepared, mostly by their mother.

    I've seen homeschooling done well, and I have seen homeschooling done poorly, but the latter does not give the state the authority to tell you what to do with your kids.

  17. I am continually thankful that my kids attended Primary school in a tiny one-horse town where the average age of the (non-woke) teaching staff was about 60.

  18. Please note that this "honorable" motherfucker is supposed to be a republican. Yep. Where's the Punisher when he's needed?


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