
Monday, August 28, 2023

How the ATF is Deceiving Media in their War on Gun Dealers

Hallelujah! The legacy media has finally started covering ATF’s unconstitutional war on the country’s gun dealers, which the pro-gun media has been denouncing and warning the public about for more than two years.

The Wall Street Journal published a story Friday morning titled: “Hundreds of Gun Dealers Lose Licenses Under Biden Administration Crackdown.” Nine hours later, FOX News posted their take of the WSJ story titled: “Gun industry cries foul after hundreds of gun dealers lose licenses amid Biden administration crackdown.”

This friends, could be a very good thing.


  1. Just because they are being held under the lamplight does not mean they will be held accountable. Keep your powder dry.

  2. (sigh)

    When the rocket surgeon, sets up all the "tests" for his "argument", proves all of them false (hisself), and concludes... (drum roll)... the truth.

    What does one say?

    "Good on ya." (And keep the "sweet summer child" to yourself.)


    When the audience suggests "He's so smart! Why don't we have him solve...", don't wait. Chain the auditorium doors shut, light it on fire, and. Walk. A. Way.


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