
Monday, August 28, 2023

I'm on it, boss

If you're at high risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19, it's time to dust off those N95 masks and place them snugly over your nose and mouth to protect yourself from a recent uptick of the virus, according to a growing number of experts.


  1. Two stout poly bags over the head, and two big cable ties around the neck, and within 5 minutes the Corona scam is over.....

    1. Not at all.
      You just described a death from the WuFlu, as recorded by the CDC. They recorded a death in Florida, from the WuFlu, complicated by three gunshots to the chest, so you are not out of line in your suggestion.
      John in Indy

    2. Wrong chest, then...

  2. I "had" to wear one to see my VA doc. that alone pisses me off to no end. don't they teach NBC warfare anymore ? because if you where awake in class, you would learn that paper and cloth masks where worthless against germ warfare ! why else did everyone have to wear a damn MOPP suit ? one thing I wonder about was if the filters where only good for 12-24 hours, how and where do they change them out ?
    my great uncle Johnny was a ww1 vet. he was shelled and gassed. had mustard gas burns all over his ass. his mind was broken by the shelling. he was a old man with the mind of a 5-6 year old. my grandmother's brother. and she took care of him her whole life.
    but, seeing and helping her made me realize that if I was ever gassed like that, I be better off dead. hell, it was like 2 months ago I saw some dumbass driving alone in his truck with a stupid mask on. what? is he going to get the virus from the guy on his radio ?
    we are living thru the age of stupid. I am glad I am old now, I couldn't take another 10 or more years of this insane bullshit. dave in pa.

    1. Change filter? Why, you are dead! It's all theatre.

  3. My body. My choice.

  4. So whenever desperate for a news story, just dig around until you find some random doctor who says to put masks on again?

    And..."...while 82% haven't taken a home Covid-19 test in the past week..." Where the HECK are they getting these numbers? Am I supposed to believe that 18 out of every 100 people are taking covid tests on a regular basis? I've got a bad summer cold and had to be around kids and yes, took a test, but even that was over a week ago.

  5. That idea isn't as crazy as it seems. In order for masks to be effective they would in fact have to prevent you from breathing in and out altogether.

  6. Up here in Ohio, the hospitalized with covid numbers have tripled, I say TRIPLED! from what they were in early July. That's how the media will report it, of course.
    Actual numbers from state website, is 239. Our peak in January of 2022 was over 6500.
    F* 'em. Don't want to hear it.

  7. No, really no, hell no, fuck no, etc......

  8. The disposable ones are capable of ending the pandemic provided they're stuffed down enough bureaucrats' throats.

  9. I only wear my mask into the bank. I know that it does absolutely no good, but just the thought of being a bank robber from the 1880's is just sweet.

    1. Yeah, I remember when my bank would refuse entry to anyone if you were wearing a hat, sunglasses or any kind of face covering. Several States have had laws in place for many years makng it illegal to wear a mask in plublic - but now they want ALL OF US to hide our identity when we enter a bank. The Hell with all of these "experts". I will not play their stupid games anymore. Arrest me or kill me - I am a free American and I have rights that will NOT be taken from me. I just want to be left alone.

  10. Instead of the recommended toilet paper 2 swipe waltz the government experts can do the 1 step shove the M95 masks up the ass tango

  11. Hah, as a retired medical professional, N95s are a joke for the general populace. First they have to be fitted by someone who knows what they are doing and on some people they just don't seal. Any hint of facial hair and they don't seal, some levels of makeup prevent sealing as well. Then they are only good for a couple of hours. The vast majority of average people would get no benefit from one.

  12. When the politicians and bankers are dropping like flies...
    Billionaires dying suddenly...
    That's where I might get fooled again with pandemic mania.
    Flu season is upon us.

  13. Went in to my bank a while ago, they're all masked up. Again.


  15. Can we get mask that have FJB on them?hmm?

    1. Sharpies are cheap. Roll your own!

  16. You go, Califrutopia get your booster while you can

  17. I will not comply....
    I am the sand in the machine.

  18. Can we close the border to all of the unvaxxed????

  19. Two words...'FUCK' and 'NO'

    Michael in Nelson

  20. Did someone say M95? Steyr made a pretty effective one. For the first 5 rounds anyway.

  21. I will NOT Comply.
    I will NOT wear your face diaper
    I will NOT take your Clot Shot
    I am a Free American and Stand Upon my God Given Rights
    When you have grown Bigger than God
    Then and only then can you SUGGEST I do anything
    Until that day, ALL of the Abusive Public Servants are welcome to


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