
Friday, August 11, 2023

In other words, you're fine

Once a hallmark sign of many COVID-19 cases — sometimes more reliable than even flu-like symptoms at sniffing out people infected by the virus early in the pandemic — was the sudden loss of smell and taste. But growing research suggests this symptom has become far less common, with only a small fraction of new patients reporting it last year.


  1. Well, I’m still waiting for things to smell and taste right.

    I felt the instance when I lost my sense of smell and taste from C-19. This was not like any other time with a cold or flu. This was total loss of all smell and taste, not just stuff tasting not right. It was a month or more after 6 weeks of C-19 kicking me and wife’s butts that I could taste again.

    Now nothing taste the same anymore. Nothing smells the same anymore. It bugs me everyday. I used to love to eat an entire bag of Little Cutie oranges in one go but now they taste like I-don’t-know-what but it is gag inducing to me. Hamburger meat smells revolting when cooking but I still eat it and it taste like old meat or something now. One of the dogs slightly turned on the gas stove a couple months ago when I was here alone and when my wife and kids came home they where like, Holy Shit!, can’t you smell the gas?! I couldn’t. And still can’t smell it because I check every time I use the stove.

    And lots and lots of other taste and smells are off or different. It sucks and I don’t enjoy food as much anymore. I hope everyday it’s fixes its self..

    1. It was a bioterror weapon.
      It was intentional.
      The actions taken were intentional.
      Plan accordingly.

      Steve in KY

    2. Winner winner chicken dinner!!!
      Bio engineered. By your own tax dollars!!!

    3. Back in 2020 I had a very mild case of covid but afterwards for several weeks everything tasted horrible. Then I took a dose of horse-dewormer and within a few days it was all back to normal. Can't say that the horse goop did it, but mighty fine coinkydink.

  2. Steve who called bullshit from the beginningAugust 11, 2023 at 4:50 PM

    Ask any reputable doctor and they will tell you that losing your sense of taste and smell is a result of being zinc deficient. Propaganda 15-20 years ago even went as far as to have a "fake" lawsuit that sued Zicam for suddenly losing taste and smell shortly after using thier zinc therapy product. But please do not take my word for it. Do you own research and you should find that supplementing our horrible diets with Vitamin D Vitamin C and Zinc will eliminate thw common cold and flu which IS the fake "Certificate Of Vaccination ID" COVID

    1. You need to supplement vit D as well , especially anywhere there is a winter.

  3. A year and a half later, and I'm finally getting back my smell and taste. Not all of it - I can't smell coffee, which really pisses me off at Faucci. One of my favorite things is catching the smell when a fresh bag of beans is opened. Now there's...nothing *sobs uncontrollably". On the plus side, I'm having fun not being able to smell my farts.

  4. My Much better half lost her sense of smell and developed a hole in one retina. She was working in the hospital. We shared a closed bedroom with a window unit for cooling. I didn't catch it. Months later I got the stuff,, the variant. Name escapes me.
    No jabs.

  5. For all the high blood pressure types….
    Lisinopril can cause loss of smell and taste….
    I’m not a doctor….just had to research it.

  6. ...and today the FDA has finally authorized Doctors to prescribe Ivermectin for Kung Flu. Probably because it doesn't work on the newest variant, Eris.


    1. Eris.... Google it. That is what lead to the Trojan war. It could not get any funnier. If you research all of the variants you will quickly realize that this is all an escapade. Please stop taking vaccines, biologics, and any other sorcery bullshit out there. Fear God, love Jesus, and eat right and see how quickly fear and sickness disappears.

  7. Nothing I hear on the news about the Bidens smells right and everything the democrats do leaves
    a bad taste in my mouth.

  8. All these "vaccines" are mRNA just like the Covid "vaccine". Best advice is to stay away...stay VERY far away! Unless you have a death wish.

  9. A friend of mine told me that his wife had lost her taste. I explained to him that she never had any taste, she married him didn't she?

  10. Never forget that "not having any symptoms" was also a symptom.


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