
Thursday, August 03, 2023

Mystery group buying land near Air Force base is suing farmers, congressman says

(NewsNation) — While questions remain about a mystery company buying 52,000 acres of land near an Air Force base, a congressman says farmers in the area are being targeted in a lawsuit.

Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif., has been speaking out over the past five years about the $800 million in land acquisitions by Flannery Associates near Travis Air Force Base in Northern California.

In an interview with NewsNation, Garamendi said he’s been in contact with the families of farmers who handed over their land to Flannery. He said they didn’t want to sell in the first place.


  1. 'Sounds like something Newsom and the Pelosi Cartel would do... 'Just sayin'...

  2. China owns very little farmland in the US. Biggest is cnanada followed by the Dutch. Still not a fan of foreign interests (friend or foe) owning land in the us.

  3. Those chinese better be careful: spending money without The Big Guy getting his Ten Percent is dangerous. Of course, with the DOJ being 100% busy finding things to accuse Trump of they may not have time to look into this.

  4. Garamendi is up to his ass in this. Just cashing in.

    1. He's a slimey rat through and through.

  5. The Chinese were not forced into buying the land for that price, but they did. Suck it up Princess Xi.

  6. Golly, gee, whiz, sure hope nothing happens to the lawyers or their families.

  7. This is part of the Biden crime family's payback to the Chinese commies. It needs to end!

  8. Most likely congress is going to de-mil Travis and sell to "investors", making land near it insanely more valuable.


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