
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Oops, my bad

CHICAGO — A 15-year-old boy who pointed a pellet gun at a woman during a robbery attempt in Uptown ran away when his would-be victim pulled out a real firearm, Chicago police say.


  1. An honest, law abiding citizen is going to grease some nigglet because they thought it was a real gun and feared for their life....

    ... and they will spend 20 years in jail for manslaughter.
    ... inner cities will become even more lawless
    ... more cops will quit, fewer in the working pool
    ... and the parents will sue the real gun manufacturer AND the BB gun manufacturer for fault, because as parents, they are not responsible for their child or its actions, but can be compensated for loss of said child they are not responsible for.
    ... and politicians will dance in the blood of the dead child
    ... new gun laws will be passed, in the name of the dead child, that will do nothing to stop future incidences from happening
    ... crime will begin to spread into suburbs and exurbs as the inner city becomes a complete wasteland with nothing of value left to steal save the lamp posts and manhole covers.

    .. what have I missed about the next 5 years?

  2. Charges are pending but will never come to pass. Law enforcement is all about "equity" now.

  3. Other way around may have turned out different. Wretched Luxembourgers, when will you shape up and stop being stereotypical criminals? And all that Mozart and Bach, denigrating women and glorifying toffee abuse and oboe practice after 9pm.

  4. I'm assuming the "victim" is now in jail with gun charges pending? This is Chicago, after all. And pulling a gun on a helpless little black boy is TOTALLY racist, so probably charged with a hate crime too.

    John G

  5. Sounds like a band of baboons to me. Nasty things they are, nasty and dangerous. Best just to avoid them. If not, then shoot them in the face as they approach as they mean you no good. Orcs are not responsible for your safety.

  6. Chicago? That's a big surprise. (said nobody ever)
    - WDS

  7. "Charges are pending "
    Meaning no charges.

  8. It's a shame the little bastard wasn't shot!

  9. Cue Paul Hogan as Crocodile Dundee: "That's not a knoife." [*Whips out razor-sharp Tassie Tiger] "That's a knoife!"

  10. Pellet gun? Knowing the demographics of Chicago I would have guessed a Blowgun

  11. I feel greasy saying it, but it's a shame the kid didn't get shot. One day soon, he'll be back in the news. Either with a worse crime or as Mayor.

  12. Too bad she didn't light the little bastich up a couple of 38s would teach the little rascal a valuable lesson


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